
Ecuador – Spore Syringe

Original price was: R200.00.Current price is: R150.00.


Along with Golden Teachers,  Ecuador is one of the most popular strains available online, and for good reason.

Place of origin is the Ecuadorian Andes, at an altitude of 1000 meters. This strain is considered one of the most potent and largest of all Cub*ns*s strains.

The Ecuador usually produces large mushrooms with a long and sturdy stem. This makes it easy to distinguish the Ecuador from other strains.


Habitat: Bovine, Equine Dung and Enriched Soils

Climate: Subtropical

Strain Origin: Ecuador

Spores: Dark purplish brown, subellipsoid on 4-spored basidia

Available in 10ml Syringes


All Spore Syringes are 10ml. Please check out our Shipping/FaQ for more information or contact us if you have any questions.