
Inca Stargazer – Spore Syringe

Original price was: R200.00.Current price is: R150.00.

The Inca Stagazer strain of Ps*locy*e c*bensis is one of the oldest strains in circulation, although it has become very rare over time. You can find this strain mentioned as one of the original strains ever available in the 1970’s book, “The Mushroom Cultivator,” by Paul Stamets. Inca Star Gazer was originally found in South America growing in dense clusters, in the hills of the Andes mountains, close to ancient Inca ruins. Inca Stargazer is noted to be a very prolific fruiter.


Many thanks to an anonymous donator for this great strain and for your support on SQ.


10 in stock


All Spore Syringes are 10ml. Please check out our Shipping/FaQ for more information or contact us if you have any questions.