
Texan – Spore Syringe

Original price was: R200.00.Current price is: R150.00.


 This strain has its origins from the Texas Orange Cap mushrooms which were a domesticated version of the wild Texan strain. Voted in the top 10 of C*ben*is strains to Study along with Golden Teachers.

Texas Yellow Cap c*bensis are best known for their shamanistic properties. They do originally come from Texas – hence the name.


Strain Origin: Texas, USA

Cap: 40+ mm in diameter, convex to broadly convex to plane at maturity.

Spores: Dark purplish brown, subellipsoid on 4-spored basidia

Available in 10ml Syringes


All Spore Syringes are 10ml. Please check out our Shipping/FaQ for more information or contact us if you have any questions.